The platform SNOGG.ME offers local and regional musicians with low popularity the chance of distribution of their productions, whereas the audio CD is only one aspect of SNOGG.ME.
SNOGG.ME offers musicians the production of single copies of their CD. Furthermore, musicians can present their CD on the platform and offer it for sale. This service is free of costs. The production of the CD will not start until there is an order, no matter if it is the order of a fan or of the musician by himself.
The costs for a production are automatically offset against the selling price. Musicians do not have to invest any money in advance. SNOGG.ME handles payment and distribution and allow musicians to concentrate on making music.
Start now to produce your own album!
How does SNOGG.ME work?
The audio files can be uploaded and the cover, booklet etc. created online, before the CD is published. Furthermore, SNOGG.ME offers an unique service for free - the SNOGG.ME promotion plugin. A plugin, that can be easily integrated in the website of the musician and several social community platforms and offers the possibility to the fans to take an order over this promotion plugin.
The production takes place unit for unit - on demand starting at the CD and up to the booklet. SNOGG.ME directly sends the CD to the fan, handles the clarification of copyrights and the commercial businesses. The musician establishes the selling price and does not have to care about the following sales.
Without payment in advance and without capital costs, the Austrian musicians get the possibility to organize their own 'label'. With SNOGG.ME, musicians can publish numerous albums arbitrarily at the first time - the production starts not until an order is received.
awards and prizes
22.11.2012: SNOGG.ME wins the Caesar 2012 in the category "Digital & Interactive Media"
09.10.2012: SNOGG.ME wins the 2nd place at eAward
22.09.2012: Editorial of SNOGG.ME in the newspaper "OÖ Nachrichten"
Research project MyLabel
The music industry is subject to an enormous structural modification. The CD as a medium still dominates the music market, but sales figures decline continuously. New Internet services and platforms cause the increasing of sales figures of mp3 files. Through compatible player, laptops or external hard discs, the own audio collection can be taken along everywhere.
It seems as if the CD becomes redundant - but not in the view of SNOGG.ME. Music is more than a virtual mp3 file. A CD is a collage of music that is embedded in pictures and words and it is representative of the musician and an object of purchase for the fan ... and it can be given away as a present!
SNOGG.ME offers Austrian musicians a platform, where they can for the first time merchandise themselves by their own. This creates a completely new niche in the creative industries of the music sector.

SNOGG.ME was funded in the context of impulse XL through austrian wirtschaftsservice and is listed under the working title "MyLabel".